promotion marketing associationの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. The Great American Coupon Celebration is a national contest being sponsored by the Promotion Marketing Association of America.
  2. Promotion Marketing Association of America, New York, will be renamed the Promotion Marketing Association as of Jan . 1.
  3. Promotion Marketing Association of America, New York, will be renamed the Promotion Marketing Association as of Jan . 1.
  4. To mark the occasion, the Coupon Steering Committee of the Promotion Marketing Association has put together some high points in clipping history.
  5. Professor Mulhern is the editor of the " Promotion Marketing Academic Quarterly ", a publication of the Promotion Marketing Association.


  1. "promotion interview"の例文
  2. "promotion league"の例文
  3. "promotion literature"の例文
  4. "promotion management"の例文
  5. "promotion manager"の例文
  6. "promotion media"の例文
  7. "promotion method"の例文
  8. "promotion mix"の例文
  9. "promotion model"の例文
  10. "promotion money"の例文
  11. "promotion management"の例文
  12. "promotion manager"の例文
  13. "promotion media"の例文
  14. "promotion method"の例文

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