promotion methodの例文


  1. But state officials cite competition from other destinations and promotion methods as factors in the decline.
  2. Teki Latex took the unusual approach of using alternative promotion methods that included a special parade across Paris'streets.
  3. Through the Committee, with the minister of National Defense as chairman, project promotion methods and model decisions are discussed and adjusted and defense capacity improvement projects are implemented.


  1. "promotion literature"の例文
  2. "promotion management"の例文
  3. "promotion manager"の例文
  4. "promotion marketing association"の例文
  5. "promotion media"の例文
  6. "promotion mix"の例文
  7. "promotion model"の例文
  8. "promotion money"の例文
  9. "promotion of access to information act"の例文
  10. "promotion of administrative justice act"の例文
  11. "promotion marketing association"の例文
  12. "promotion media"の例文
  13. "promotion mix"の例文
  14. "promotion model"の例文

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