protective layersの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The capstock is the protective layer bonded over the vinyl substrate.
  2. Adding a protective layer to the aluminum would reduce its reflectivity.
  3. However, the protective layers are subject to erosion by micrometeorites.
  4. Polished plaster is usually sealed with a protective layer of wax.
  5. These finish types allow for the formation of a protective layer.


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  5. "protective layer"の例文
  6. "protective lead glass"の例文
  7. "protective lead glasses"の例文
  8. "protective legislation"の例文
  9. "protective lens"の例文
  10. "protective lid"の例文
  11. "protective laws"の例文
  12. "protective layer"の例文
  13. "protective lead glass"の例文
  14. "protective lead glasses"の例文

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