protective maskingの例文


  1. This is easy enough if the stock is covered with a protective masking paper.
  2. Investigators, zeroing in on the static ports after reviewing the two flight recorders, eventually found that maintenance workers had covered the 757's static ports with protective masking tape when they washed the plane, and had neglected to remove it _ an oversight that meant the pilots could not read their airspeed from the instruments and flew the plane to its doom.


  1. "protective liquid"の例文
  2. "protective lubricant"の例文
  3. "protective margin"の例文
  4. "protective marking"の例文
  5. "protective mask"の例文
  6. "protective masks"の例文
  7. "protective master"の例文
  8. "protective material"の例文
  9. "protective mbr"の例文
  10. "protective measure"の例文
  11. "protective marking"の例文
  12. "protective mask"の例文
  13. "protective masks"の例文
  14. "protective master"の例文

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