protective masterの例文


  1. The negative wasn't cleaned before the protective masters were made, meaning that dirt specks became part of the permanent record.
  2. Had the protective masters been examined, Harris contends, it would have been readily apparent that the yellow master had been underexposed and was extremely thin.
  3. After the negative had been used to make hundreds of exhibition prints, it was preserved on YCM protective masters, a three-strip process in which the film is broken down into three basic colors _ yellow, cyan and magenta.


  1. "protective margin"の例文
  2. "protective marking"の例文
  3. "protective mask"の例文
  4. "protective masking"の例文
  5. "protective masks"の例文
  6. "protective material"の例文
  7. "protective mbr"の例文
  8. "protective measure"の例文
  9. "protective measures"の例文
  10. "protective mechanism"の例文
  11. "protective masking"の例文
  12. "protective masks"の例文
  13. "protective material"の例文
  14. "protective mbr"の例文

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