protective materialの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7
  1. You can't just wrap a player like this in protective material.
  2. RBA was first manufactured by Protective Materials Company, then HS Manufacturing, and then Ceradyne.
  3. When she removes the protective material, the boy awakens and telepathically communicates with her.
  4. Sales of fish oil extracts, particularly those containing the suspected protective material, omega-3 fatty acids, soared.
  5. The uncovered portions can now be etched away, with the protective material acting as a stencil.


  1. "protective marking"の例文
  2. "protective mask"の例文
  3. "protective masking"の例文
  4. "protective masks"の例文
  5. "protective master"の例文
  6. "protective mbr"の例文
  7. "protective measure"の例文
  8. "protective measures"の例文
  9. "protective mechanism"の例文
  10. "protective medium"の例文
  11. "protective masks"の例文
  12. "protective master"の例文
  13. "protective mbr"の例文
  14. "protective measure"の例文

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