

  1. Because the mesothorax and metathorax hold the wings, they have a combined name called the pterothorax ( pteron = wing ).
  2. The first pair of legs of the males, which arises on the prothorax, is less than half as long as the legs of the pterothorax and they are not used for walking.
  3. Spiracles, the external organs of the respiratory system, are found on the pterothorax, usually one between the pro-and mesopleoron, as well as one between the meso-and metapleuron.
  4. In more derived orders of insects, such as Diptera ( flies ) and Hymenoptera ( wasp ), the indirect muscles occupy the greatest volume of the pterothorax and function as the primary source of power for the wingstroke.


  1. "pterostylis barbata"の例文
  2. "pterostyliss"の例文
  3. "pterostyrax"の例文
  4. "pterothecidae"の例文
  5. "pterothoracic"の例文
  6. "pterotic"の例文
  7. "pterotolithus"の例文
  8. "pterotolithus maculatus"の例文
  9. "pterotrachea"の例文
  10. "pterotracheidae"の例文
  11. "pterothecidae"の例文
  12. "pterothoracic"の例文
  13. "pterotic"の例文
  14. "pterotolithus"の例文

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