

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. After having been awarded QTS teachers must normally still pass an NQTs.
  2. Its present sponsor, QTS, has backed the race since 2013.
  3. Professional qualifications are also awarded, such as Qualified Teacher Status ( QTS ).
  4. The current Head of School is Nina Achenbach BA ( QTS ), NPQH.
  5. QTS was founded in 2003 by Chad Williams.


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  2. "qtrade financial group"の例文
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  5. "qtruby"の例文
  6. "qts skills tests"の例文
  7. "qtscript"の例文
  8. "qtstalker"の例文
  9. "qtt"の例文
  10. "qtv 11"の例文
  11. "qtrs"の例文
  12. "qtruby"の例文
  13. "qts skills tests"の例文
  14. "qtscript"の例文

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