quack medicineの例文


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  1. And they have also seen a growing trade among pharmacists in quack medicines.
  2. He has been an advocate of bioidentical hormones, which has been labeled as quack medicine.
  3. This was mirrored by similar growth in marketing of quack medicines elsewhere in the world.
  4. Shaw puffed a quack medicine, the " Beaume de Vie ", in which he was made a partner.
  5. It campaigns, as the article says, to have quack medicine accepted and paid for by the National Health Service.


  1. "quack"の例文
  2. "quack attack"の例文
  3. "quack doctor"の例文
  4. "quack grass"の例文
  5. "quack grasses"の例文
  6. "quack medicines"の例文
  7. "quack pack"の例文
  8. "quack quack"の例文
  9. "quack remedies"の例文
  10. "quack remedy"の例文
  11. "quack grass"の例文
  12. "quack grasses"の例文
  13. "quack medicines"の例文
  14. "quack pack"の例文

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