qualitative adjectiveの例文
a adjective
I would have girls regard themselves not as adjectives but as nouns, chill : to relax . as adjective : comfortable. This dichotomy is complicated by equally common relative clauses that fu......

a possessive adjective
:' Motorcycle'is an adjective describing the noun'helmet'. " Maria's " is a possessive adjective also describing the noun'helmet '. The polite second-person pronouns have possessives ident......

a predicate adjective
Rather, they contain participles used as predicate adjectives. Confusion is most likely to arise when the "-ing " word follows a verb, in which case it may be a predicate adjective and hen......

a qualitative difference
That's a qualitative difference in their lives that can never be measured ." According to Werth, there was still a qualitative difference between Nazism and Communism. It's really a qualit......

abrasive adjective
But after struggling to find a less abrasive adjective, I can think of no other word that adequately expresses the unrelenting disdain I hold for these horrendously rote rituals of corpora......

absolute adjective
:: An example of an absolute word that does not modify the whole sentence : In Latin, " "'multa " "'is absolute when it is taken to mean " many ( things ) ", that is, when the noun is impl......

I can't put an adjective on it ." Intimidating, ambitious, arrogant are adjectives people attach to Meroney. "Catholic is an adjective, " he said. The Master would never have misused an ad......

adjective and adverb
In the paintings, I think in terms of adjectives and adverbs. Kannada, as does English, uses adjectives and adverbs as modifiers. Most notable however, are the diminutive forms of adjectiv......

adjective and adverbs
"I'm the queen of the adjective and adverbs, " said Miss Collins. English permits " very " to modify adjectives and adverb, but not verbs. Most notable however, are the diminutive forms of......

adjective and noun
The newspapers can dissect it, verb and adjective and noun. The authors found that adjectives and nouns were the best to include. Do i need to be able to understand verbs, adjectives and n......

adjective base
In Morgan s early experimental administrations of the list, the respondents, as they are today, were asked to respond to each adjective based on the 5-point Likert scale under two separat......

adjective checklist
Thomas PPA is a self-administered forced choice adjective checklist consisting of 24 tetrads of descriptive words, from each of which applicants are asked to select which they believe desc......

adjective clause
Because it restricts the meaning of " vegetable ", the adjective clause is called a restrictive clause. Depending on context, a particular noun could be modified by either a restrictive or......

adjective clauses
Relative clauses ( or adjective clauses ) function like adjectives. I suggest the following wording to reduce the number of adjective clauses to one: Relative pronouns begin dependent clau......

adjective colours
There are words like " rosa " which is a rose and the adjective colour, and there are coincidences ( " bellus " and " malus " for example are unrelated as adjectives and nouns ), but you c......

adjective complement
Adjective complements of N-V LVCs always show agreement with the undergoer of the action of the verb, which is in turn marked in accordance with Pashto s system of split ergativity. The O......

adjective function
Adjectives function as a subclass of intransitive verbs, though grammatical functions set them apart.

adjective law
No doubt the two systems of law in this field are not in all respects identical, but if my conclusions are right no conflict has arisen between them in the present case, and there is no oc......

adjective noun
Adjectiving nouns weirds them even more that verbing does . ( Talk ) 22 : 30, 4 July 2008 ( UTC) In the case of an indefinite plural adjective noun complex, the noun is plural and the adje......

adjective phrase
2412, the " tax honesty movement " is an adjective phrase. So A, for instance, would be a kind of AP ( adjective phrase ). The distinguishing characteristic of an attributive adjective ph......

adjective phrases
Intransitive verbs do not need to be followed by noun phrases or adjective phrases. Adjective phrases containing complements after the adjective cannot normally be used as attributive adje......

adjective position
Yet children associate the same unknown word with a quality interpretation when the word is presented in an adjective position.

adjective predicate
When existing with adjective predicate , it is subject to the feeling adjectives , whereas , when existing with verb predicate it gets a variation of selectivity

adjective rating scale
Late 60's to early 70's, " Psychiatric Outpatient Mood Scale " was changed to " Profile of Mood States . " They continue to collaborate and revised more data on outpatients which would res......

adjective scale
In a typical study, subjects are asked to indicate, by locating themselves on a 9-or 10-point adjective scale, the intensity of a feeling or sensation. For example, the Interpersonal Adjec......