

  1. But during the negotiations in the palace yard, an unidentified person in the crowd gave a command to attack the sipahis and the bostanjis ( palace quards ) caught sipahis off quard, killing many of them.
  2. According to Leon Trotsky, Andranik dressed in the uniform of a Turkish officer, " he went the rounds of the entire quard, talking to them in excellent Turkish ", and " at the same time showing the way out to his own men ".


  1. "quararibea turbinata"の例文
  2. "quarashi"の例文
  3. "quarata"の例文
  4. "quaratesi"の例文
  5. "quaratesi polyptych"の例文
  6. "quare"の例文
  7. "quare clausum"の例文
  8. "quare clausum fregit"の例文
  9. "quare impedit"の例文
  10. "quaregna"の例文
  11. "quaratesi"の例文
  12. "quaratesi polyptych"の例文
  13. "quare"の例文
  14. "quare clausum"の例文

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