

  1. That is why this rocky hill is known as ( Qarantal ), from the Latin root " Quarenta " ( forty ), which alludes to the forty days Jesus fasted.
  2. Em seguida, nova lei-the Organic Act of the District of Columbia autorizou o presidente a nomear quarenta e dois ju韟es de paz, sendo todos confirmados pelo Senado na v閟pera da posse de Thomas Jefferson.
  3. Nowadays he works as a music arranger and producer, being his latest records : " Tributo a Tom Jobim ", with Cl醬dia Telles, " Tributo a Art Blakey " and " Quarenta ", with Pascoal Meirelles
  4. Cassandra Rios ( S鉶 Paulo, 1932  S鉶 Paulo, 8 de mar鏾 de 2002 ) foi uma escritora brasileira, autora de dezenas de livros que h?quarenta anos escandalizaram o Brasil por seu estilo " pornogr醘ico ", dentre eles A Tara, Tessa, a Gata, Vol鷓ia do pecado, A paranoica, Muros Altos, Uma Mulher Diferente, Cabelos de Metal e A Borboleta Branca, entre outras dezenas de t韙ulos.
  5. In an interview with Domenico Quarenta of the magazine " Cluster ", Aronson stated that having the most visible address is " negative for us, but has a large value & which could be exchanged for resources to help further the goals of the project . " Then, to explain the first sale, he announced that he " held off announcing the sale & During this time the dot com crash happened and what was worth 8 ( eight ) million became saleable at only a couple of million & so i decided to wait until the market recovered ."


  1. "quaregna"の例文
  2. "quaregnon"の例文
  3. "quarella"の例文
  4. "quaremba"の例文
  5. "quarenghi"の例文
  6. "quarentinha"の例文
  7. "quarer"の例文
  8. "quaresima"の例文
  9. "quaresma"の例文
  10. "quaretta"の例文
  11. "quaremba"の例文
  12. "quarenghi"の例文
  13. "quarentinha"の例文
  14. "quarer"の例文

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