

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. Historically the name Dunrossness has usually referred to the area on the Shetland mainland south of Quarff.
  2. "' Quarff "'is a small village in the Shetland Islands in Scotland.
  3. She was born and brought up in the village of Quarff, Shetland She was taught by Willie Hunter
  4. Although other storm kelpies are reported as inhabiting the John Brand, who visited Quarff in Shetland in mid-1700, recounts a tale of what may have been a blue man in the waters around the island.
  5. It was established in 1879 with an advertisement in the Glasgow Herald : " " . . . for Quarff New Public School, a Female Teacher ( or ex-Pupil Teacher of either sex ), to enter immediately.


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  9. "quarians"の例文
  10. "quarie"の例文
  11. "quaresma"の例文
  12. "quaretta"の例文
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  14. "quargnento"の例文

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