r adamsの例文


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  1. Sher volunteered weekly at Maryland's R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center.
  2. The production stars William Conrad as Dr . R Adams Cowley, the heart surgeon who pioneered trauma care.
  3. Such advancements included Dr . R Adams Cowley creating the country's first statewide EMS program, in Maryland.
  4. In the late 1960s, Dr . R Adams Cowley was instrumental in the creation of the country's first statewide EMS program, in Maryland.
  5. Dr . R Adams Cowley, founder of the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems and Shock Trauma Center, demonstrates a portable satellite earth station in 1977.


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  13. "r adams cowley"の例文
  14. "r adams cowley shock trauma center"の例文

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