rallus longirostrisの例文


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  1. Benicia SRA has been designated an Important Bird Area, providing habitat for endangered California clapper rails ( " Rallus longirostris obsoletus " ) and black rails ( " Laterallus jamaicensis " ).
  2. These include many shorebirds such as long-billed curlew ( " Numenius americanus " ) and one of California s rarest birds, the light-footed clapper rail ( " Rallus longirostris levipes " ).
  3. Populations of gray fox have increased in the South Bay since the U . S . Fish and Wildlife Service has culled non-native red foxes ( " Vulpes vulpes " ) because the latter prey on the endangered California clapper rail ( " Rallus longirostris obsoletus " ).
  4. The recovering 387-acre Wildcat Marsh ( once stretching to San Pablo Creek as part of a dynamic, contiguous 2, 000 acre system ) supports a diversity of endangered and threatened species, including the California clapper rail ( " Rallus longirostris obsoletus " ), the black rail ( " Laterallus jamaicensis " ), the salt marsh harvest mouse ( " Reithrodontomys raviventris " ), and the San Pablo vole ( " Microtus californicus sanpabloensis " ).
  5. Several endangered species ( mostly associated with the marshy discharge area ) present include California clapper rail ( " Rallus longirostris " ), California black rail ( " Laterallus jamaicensis " ), California brown pelican ( " Pelicanus occudentalis " ), California freshwater shrimp ( " Syncaris pacifica " ), salt marsh harvest mouse ( " Reithrodontomys raviventris " ), Suisun shrew ( " Sorex ornatus sinuosus " ), Sacramento splittail ( " Pogonichtys macrolepidotus " ).


  1. "rallsville"の例文
  2. "rallus"の例文
  3. "rallus aquaticus"の例文
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  5. "rallus limicola"の例文
  6. "rallus longirostris obsoletus"の例文
  7. "rallus obscurus"の例文
  8. "rallus pacificus"の例文
  9. "rallus pectoralis"の例文
  10. "rallus pectoralis clelandi"の例文
  11. "rallus eivissensis"の例文
  12. "rallus limicola"の例文
  13. "rallus longirostris obsoletus"の例文
  14. "rallus obscurus"の例文

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