ration couponの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Chongqing's city government recently issued ration coupons to control grain prices.
  2. And you had to show your ration coupons.
  3. His hands shook as he spoke, clutching a large set of ration coupons.
  4. They received ration coupons like other Swiss families.
  5. Here a plain three-course meal cost only 9d and no ration coupons were required.


  1. "ration books"の例文
  2. "ration bread"の例文
  3. "ration card"の例文
  4. "ration cards"の例文
  5. "ration cost"の例文
  6. "ration depot"の例文
  7. "ration export"の例文
  8. "ration formulation"の例文
  9. "ration of goods"の例文
  10. "ration out"の例文
  11. "ration cards"の例文
  12. "ration cost"の例文
  13. "ration depot"の例文
  14. "ration export"の例文

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