ration toの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. He also issued rations to bantayes ( watchmen, sentinels ).
  2. He then starts controlling rations to keep the troops in line.
  3. She ordered the empress's food rations to be reduced.
  4. Simply providing subsistence rations to the million Rwandans is a colossal task.
  5. We are approaching the 1 million point of daily rations to Afghanistan,


  1. "ration shop"の例文
  2. "ration stamp"の例文
  3. "ration stamps"の例文
  4. "ration strength"の例文
  5. "ration system"の例文
  6. "ration with"の例文
  7. "rationable"の例文
  8. "rational"の例文
  9. "rational act"の例文
  10. "rational action"の例文
  11. "ration strength"の例文
  12. "ration system"の例文
  13. "ration with"の例文
  14. "rationable"の例文

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