ration withの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The soldiers shared their meager rations with the zookeeper.
  2. The Muslim police even share rations with the Serbs.
  3. If water is available, rations with little water content are lighter to carry.
  4. King also wrote that the Australians shared rations with French civilians in the town.
  5. Each company tested a particular ration with each man weighing daily and answering questionnaires.


  1. "ration stamp"の例文
  2. "ration stamps"の例文
  3. "ration strength"の例文
  4. "ration system"の例文
  5. "ration to"の例文
  6. "rationable"の例文
  7. "rational"の例文
  8. "rational act"の例文
  9. "rational action"の例文
  10. "rational action theory"の例文
  11. "ration system"の例文
  12. "ration to"の例文
  13. "rationable"の例文
  14. "rational"の例文

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