reckless misconductの例文


  1. There is also a blurry line between simple negligence and gross negligence or reckless misconduct.
  2. It has been suggested that an exclusionary rule cannot deter carelessness, but can affect only intentional or reckless misconduct.
  3. Some adjudicators have the authority to order that the respondent pay " emotional damages " to the complainant, or pay a penalty for wilful or reckless misconduct.
  4. In the lawsuit filed in Los Angeles, Johnna Renee Thomas of Mesa, Ariz ., claims negligence and reckless misconduct contributed to the crash that killed her 42-year-old husband, Phillip, and 82 other passengers.
  5. The Clinton-haters who scream for the president's head on a platter will dispute this, but the Monica Lewinsky scandal owes as much to the hype and manipulation of the media as it does to the reckless misconduct of the president and the relentless pursuit of Clinton by an independent counsel.


  1. "reckless investment"の例文
  2. "reckless kelly"の例文
  3. "reckless life"の例文
  4. "reckless living"の例文
  5. "reckless love"の例文
  6. "reckless misrepresentation"の例文
  7. "reckless provocation"の例文
  8. "reckless roads"の例文
  9. "reckless romeo"の例文
  10. "reckless series"の例文
  11. "reckless living"の例文
  12. "reckless love"の例文
  13. "reckless misrepresentation"の例文
  14. "reckless provocation"の例文

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