reckless misrepresentationの例文


  1. *While the occasional mistake can be forgiven, flagrant and reckless misrepresentation of wikipedia policy or guidelines is not acceptable.
  2. Foster's opponents, Kennedy railed, had savaged the reputation of a good and decent man with malicious attacks on his character and reckless misrepresentations of his record.
  3. This was the same Kennedy, by the way, who not so long ago savaged the reputation of a good and decent man, Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork, with malicious attacks on his character and reckless misrepresentations of his record.


  1. "reckless kelly"の例文
  2. "reckless life"の例文
  3. "reckless living"の例文
  4. "reckless love"の例文
  5. "reckless misconduct"の例文
  6. "reckless provocation"の例文
  7. "reckless roads"の例文
  8. "reckless romeo"の例文
  9. "reckless series"の例文
  10. "reckless talk"の例文
  11. "reckless love"の例文
  12. "reckless misconduct"の例文
  13. "reckless provocation"の例文
  14. "reckless roads"の例文

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