

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Amongst others, the works include redactions, outlines and commentaries.
  2. The questions from ArbCom are bolded; there are no redactions.
  3. Strangely enough, it does NOT mention your method of redaction.
  4. Rhodes early background information is among extensive redactions in his FBI file.
  5. Both versions were simplified redactions of Meyer's more detailed work.


  1. "redactar"の例文
  2. "redacted"の例文
  3. "redacted tonight"の例文
  4. "redacted tonight with lee camp"の例文
  5. "redacting"の例文
  6. "redaction criticism"の例文
  7. "redactional"の例文
  8. "redactions"の例文
  9. "redactive"の例文
  10. "redactor"の例文
  11. "redacted tonight with lee camp"の例文
  12. "redacting"の例文
  13. "redaction criticism"の例文
  14. "redactional"の例文

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