もっと例文: 1 2
- The threatened colobine species " Rhinopithecus strykeri " is named for him.
- Around Tsekou and Atents?( now Yunling ), he captured and sent to the French Natural History Museum the first specimens known to science of the Black snub-nosed monkey, " Rhinopithecus bieti ", described by Alphonse Milne-Edwards in 1897.
- The prominent ones are Owston's civet ( " Chrotogale owstoni "; globally vulnerable ), Francois'leaf monkey ( " Trachypithecus francoisi " ) and Tonkin snub-nosed monkey ( " Rhinopithecus avunculus "; globally critically endangered ).
- However, in a detailed observation of the free-ranging band in the Qinling Mountains in central China, results have suggested that winter night activity of " Rhinopithecus roxellana " is a compromise between antipredator and thermoregulatory strategies and an adaptation to ecological conditions of their temperate habitat.
- It is swift and strong . " Based on this description, Van Gulik identifies " wei " as the golden snub-nosed monkey ( " Rhinopithecus roxellana " ), which is " a smaller monkey with a long tail, and a pronounced upturned nose; it has a blue-black face, and long, fluffy golden fur ."