route 2の例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. At or after that time, Route 3 was truncated to Route 2.
  2. The road connects Mentakab to Mentakab-Temerloh Bypass ( Federal Route 2 ).
  3. Antill Street is also serviced by routes 2 and 936 / 937.
  4. Dividing the northerly slopes from the southerly slopes is US Route 2.
  5. The section between Carlton and Motley was part of Constitutional Route 2.


  1. "route 199"の例文
  2. "route 19a"の例文
  3. "route 1a"の例文
  4. "route 1b"の例文
  5. "route 1x"の例文
  6. "route 20"の例文
  7. "route 200"の例文
  8. "route 2000"の例文
  9. "route 201"の例文
  10. "route 202"の例文
  11. "route 1b"の例文
  12. "route 1x"の例文
  13. "route 20"の例文
  14. "route 200"の例文

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