route 20の例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The bridge is part of U . S . Route 20 route.
  2. California State Route 20 is the major east-west route, running to Chico
  3. Washington State Route 20 breaks east of 97, running across the state.
  4. Also worth a stop is the town of Fredonia on Route 20.
  5. The northern terminus is at West Virginia Route 20 in the city center.


  1. "route 19a"の例文
  2. "route 1a"の例文
  3. "route 1b"の例文
  4. "route 1x"の例文
  5. "route 2"の例文
  6. "route 200"の例文
  7. "route 2000"の例文
  8. "route 201"の例文
  9. "route 202"の例文
  10. "route 203"の例文
  11. "route 1x"の例文
  12. "route 2"の例文
  13. "route 200"の例文
  14. "route 2000"の例文

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