

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. His father, John Garnett, was rector of Sigglesthorne, in the East Riding of Yorkshire.
  2. In 1823 Little Hatfield was in the civil parish of Sigglesthorne, and in the Liberty of Holderness.
  3. Great Hatfield was served from 1864 to 1964 by Sigglesthorne railway station on the Hull and Hornsea Railway.
  4. Silston Cory-Wright was born at Sigglesthorne Hall, Hornsea, Yorkshire, England, on 22 September 1888.
  5. In 1823 Great hatfield was in the civil parish of Mappleton and Sigglesthorne, and in the Hull once a week.


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  13. "sigglesthorne railway station"の例文
  14. "siggraph"の例文

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