signal bondの例文


  1. To be sure, skeptics say reports such as tomorrow may suggest a declining inflation that signals bond yields, both nominal and real, are headed higher.
  2. A full arrow is used to indicate a measurement, and are referred to as signal bonds, because the amount of power flowing through the bond is insignificant.
  3. The original use of the process was to weld signal bonds to railroad tracks, which previously had to be done with " pins " knocked into holes drilled into the web of the rail.
  4. Reviewing Thursday's economic data, Low said that " the weekly unemployment claims was the first report on tap and was consistent with strong employment growth; the report was quickly followed by a bigger-than-expected trade deficit, which did not signal bonds should trade up or down, but did whipsaw the market ."
  5. Encouraged, Bond teams up with Sunny to go after Indigo and stop the countdown of the missiles launch, killing as many troops as they can see in the process, while from outside, due to a signal Bond's wristwatch has sent, Cruzado's commandos attack the gunships that escorted Eden from above, taking over the forces for themselves against the isle.


  1. "signal bleed"の例文
  2. "signal blue"の例文
  3. "signal board"の例文
  4. "signal boat"の例文
  5. "signal bomb"の例文
  6. "signal book"の例文
  7. "signal books"の例文
  8. "signal booster"の例文
  9. "signal box"の例文
  10. "signal boxes"の例文
  11. "signal boat"の例文
  12. "signal bomb"の例文
  13. "signal book"の例文
  14. "signal books"の例文

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