- of a death you can't escape and that you're soiling yourself
尊厳をなくす恐れに泣き - save me from soiling myself from fear .
恐れや自分を汚すことから 私を救ってください - i was charged with the defense of king's landing when you were soiling your swaddling clothes .
あんたがボロ服を 泥まみれにしていた時、 私はキングズランディングの 防衛の責任者だったのだぞ - kasutori-sake was originally a kind of traditional shochu made by distilling of sake lees , but in those days it referred to illegal potato shochu of bad quality and was characterized by soiling a glass with oil after drinking it .
カストリとは、本来は酒粕を蒸留して作る伝統的な焼酎の一種であったが、当時は密造の粗悪な芋焼酎のことを指し、飲んだ後のコップが油ぎって汚れるのが特徴であった。 - at school , however , some of the books , being treated courteously , were kept and stored safe in a box made of paulownia wood , because " the book was granted by the emperor and we fear soiling it in a classroom " thus allowing only a few important figures such as a principal to see: it is , without question , not the aim of the distribution , though .