

  1. SPBI pays an interest on the 135 billion loan to Credit Lyonnais, which will be stepped up next January.
  2. That transfer involved SPBI contracting a loan of 135 billion francs from Credit Lyonnais, which itself has to tap capital markets.
  3. That transaction also involved SPBI contracting a paper loan of 135 billion francs, from the parent bank, which itself had tap public markets.
  4. The French state's bailout plan for the bank last spring involved the siphoning-off of assets into a special vehicle known as SPBI, or Societe de Participations Bancaires et Industrielles.
  5. When the French state constructed its bailout plan for the bank last spring, it included the siphoning off of assets into a special vehicle known as SPBI, or Societe de Participations Bancaires et Industrielles.


  1. "spb mais"の例文
  2. "spb software"の例文
  3. "spb tv"の例文
  4. "spba"の例文
  5. "spbc"の例文
  6. "spbm"の例文
  7. "spbs"の例文
  8. "spbspma"の例文
  9. "spbw london pub of the year"の例文
  10. "spc"の例文
  11. "spba"の例文
  12. "spbc"の例文
  13. "spbm"の例文
  14. "spbs"の例文

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