spinaway stakesの例文


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  1. Two days earlier, the Spinaway Stakes was won by Countess Diana.
  2. Two fillies sired by him dead-heated in the Grade I Spinaway Stakes.
  3. On September 1 she placed second to Sweet Reason in the Grade I Spinaway Stakes, also at Saratoga.
  4. The field for Friday's Spinaway Stakes presents youngsters whose potential appears considerable despite the absence of four runners.
  5. He has sired the Demoiselle and Rachel Alexandra Stakes winner Unlimited Budget, as well as Spinaway Stakes winner Sweet Reason.


  1. "spinat"の例文
  2. "spinath"の例文
  3. "spination"の例文
  4. "spinatus"の例文
  5. "spinaway"の例文
  6. "spinax"の例文
  7. "spinazzi"の例文
  8. "spinazzo"の例文
  9. "spinazzola"の例文
  10. "spinback"の例文
  11. "spinatus"の例文
  12. "spinaway"の例文
  13. "spinax"の例文
  14. "spinazzi"の例文

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