

  1. He initially studied in his native Pistoia, under Innocenzo Spinazzi.
  2. The statues of Penitence and Faith on the right were sculpted by Innocenzo Spinazzi, while Innocence and Religion on the left by Giovanni Monatauti.
  3. Artists Cowper collected included Giuseppe Antonio Fabrini, the landscape artist Francesco Zuccarelli, Joseph Plura, Innocenzo Spinazzi, Hugh Douglas Hamilton, and Jacob More.
  4. It includes Canova's " Neptune and Triton c . 1622 3 ), Giovanni Battista Foggini, Vincenzo Foggini ( Samson and the Philistines ), Massimiliano Soldani Benzi, Antonio Corradini, Andrea Brustolon, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Innocenzo Spinazzi, Canova, Carlo Marochetti and Raffaelle Monti.


  1. "spination"の例文
  2. "spinatus"の例文
  3. "spinaway"の例文
  4. "spinaway stakes"の例文
  5. "spinax"の例文
  6. "spinazzo"の例文
  7. "spinazzola"の例文
  8. "spinback"の例文
  9. "spinbacks"の例文
  10. "spinball whizzer"の例文
  11. "spinaway stakes"の例文
  12. "spinax"の例文
  13. "spinazzo"の例文
  14. "spinazzola"の例文

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