

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The incident near Spinboldak in southern Afghanistan occurred overnight, he said.
  2. Khan had arrived in Chaman in the taxi from Spinboldak.
  3. Spinboldak residents said munitions rained down all over town.
  4. Fazluddin Agha, district police chief of Spinboldak, told The Associated Press.
  5. Chaman is located in Pakistan, near the Afghan border town of Spinboldak.


  1. "spinazzo"の例文
  2. "spinazzola"の例文
  3. "spinback"の例文
  4. "spinbacks"の例文
  5. "spinball whizzer"の例文
  6. "spinbox"の例文
  7. "spincast"の例文
  8. "spincasting"の例文
  9. "spinco"の例文
  10. "spincoating"の例文
  11. "spinbacks"の例文
  12. "spinball whizzer"の例文
  13. "spinbox"の例文
  14. "spincast"の例文

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