spindle barの例文


  1. The principal products manufactured by the company are fully knock-down chairs, semi knock-down chairs, dining tables, spindle bar stools and tables with tiles and wood top.


  1. "spindle afferent"の例文
  2. "spindle apparatus"の例文
  3. "spindle arm"の例文
  4. "spindle assembly checkpoint"の例文
  5. "spindle axis"の例文
  6. "spindle bearing"の例文
  7. "spindle bearings"の例文
  8. "spindle bed"の例文
  9. "spindle body"の例文
  10. "spindle bore"の例文
  11. "spindle assembly checkpoint"の例文
  12. "spindle axis"の例文
  13. "spindle bearing"の例文
  14. "spindle bearings"の例文

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