

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. Two additional pits occurred on the splenial.
  2. The mandible has splenial and angular elements.
  3. They possessed a rhynchokinetic skull with relatively unfused cranial bones, a weakly fused pygostyle and a splenial.
  4. Typhlops, however, is more primitive in retaining a splenial in a peculiar position sharing with the dentary the symphysis.
  5. The holotype is the anterior portion of the left mandible, from the symphysis to the splenial bone and containing portions of the coronoid.


  1. "splenectomy"の例文
  2. "splenetic"の例文
  3. "splenetically"の例文
  4. "splenetics"の例文
  5. "splenetive"の例文
  6. "splenial bone"の例文
  7. "splenial bones"の例文
  8. "splenial center"の例文
  9. "splenial teeth"の例文
  10. "splenials"の例文
  11. "splenetics"の例文
  12. "splenetive"の例文
  13. "splenial bone"の例文
  14. "splenial bones"の例文

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