storage humidityの例文


  1. Ideally, the Toscano cigar should have an internal humidity between 12 % and 14 %, and a storage humidity of between 65 % and 70 %.


  1. "storage holdings"の例文
  2. "storage hole"の例文
  3. "storage hook"の例文
  4. "storage hopper"の例文
  5. "storage house"の例文
  6. "storage hunters"の例文
  7. "storage hydropower"の例文
  8. "storage hypervisor"の例文
  9. "storage image"の例文
  10. "storage in controlled atmosphere"の例文
  11. "storage hopper"の例文
  12. "storage house"の例文
  13. "storage hunters"の例文
  14. "storage hydropower"の例文

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