

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. During Succos 1919, the Russians made pogroms in Kiev, killing hundreds of Jews.
  2. The census of the population of Lower Navarre in 1695 counted 40 fires at Amorots and 32 at Succos.
  3. Pierre Lhande, in his Basque-French Dictionary, indicated the spelling " Sokueze " for Succos.
  4. The same at Succos : the first census showed 5 fires and the second 19 ( 16 + 3 secondary fires ).
  5. The D123 goes east from the village through the length of the commune to Amorots-Succos to the south-east.


  1. "succories"の例文
  2. "succoring"の例文
  3. "succors"の例文
  4. "succory"の例文
  5. "succos"の例文
  6. "succot"の例文
  7. "succotash"の例文
  8. "succotashes"の例文
  9. "succoth"の例文
  10. "succoths"の例文
  11. "succory"の例文
  12. "succos"の例文
  13. "succot"の例文
  14. "succotash"の例文

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