

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. Punishment was meted out to those suspected of succouring the Spanish.
  2. In 1819 he exhibited " Herminia succouring Tancred ".
  3. O'Rourke was hanged at London for treason in 1590; the charges against him included succouring survivors of the Armada.
  4. Henry Morton Stanley, who had in 1871 succeeded in finding and succouring Livingstone ( originating the famous line " Dr . Livingstone, I presume " ), started again for Zanzibar in 1874.
  5. WSEI is a public school ( in UK meaning ) of tertiary education, established by Polish Foundation of Economic Development Succouring Centres " OIC Poland ", with permission of Polish Ministry of Education.


  1. "succotashes"の例文
  2. "succoth"の例文
  3. "succoths"の例文
  4. "succour"の例文
  5. "succoured"の例文
  6. "succourless"の例文
  7. "succours"の例文
  8. "succs"の例文
  9. "succu"の例文
  10. "succuba"の例文
  11. "succour"の例文
  12. "succoured"の例文
  13. "succourless"の例文
  14. "succours"の例文

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