

  1. Born in Bologna to Giuseppina Tafani and Antonio Cassinelli, a well known opera singer, he had two sisters, Paola Cristina and Loretta.
  2. Directed by Lina Wertmuller; written by Ms . Wertmuller, Leo Benvenuti, Piero De Bernardi, Alessandro Bencivenni and Domenico Saverni, based on the book " Io Speriamo Che Me Lo Cavo " ( Me, Let's Hope I Make It " ) by Marcello D'Orta ( in Italian with English subtitles ); director of photography, Gianni Tafani; edited by Pierluigi Leonardi; produced by Ciro Ippolito, and Mario and Vittorio Cecchi Gori; released by Miramax Films.


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  14. "tafaraoui"の例文

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