take a vote on a billの例文
vote early and vote often
We in East Texas have an expression for elections : Vote early and vote often. Van Buren has also been credited ( possibly apocryphally ) with the semi-humorous saying, " Vote early and vo......

2000 florida vote recount
It also appears that his arrest was incidental to covering the 2000 Florida vote recounts .-- Measure 22 : 21, 2 January 2007 ( UTC)

2008 lok sabha vote of confidence
On 22 July 2008, Omar gave a speech during the 2008 Lok Sabha vote of confidence, which was praised and won him fans on the internet.

2015 cash for vote scam
In 2016, Luthra represented the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Mr . N . Chandrababu Naidu in the 2015 Cash For Vote Scam case.

a solid vote
Nagy, who went 16-6, got a solid vote of support from Herschiser. But he was a solid vote for us, which those grades indicate. "It's not just a solid voting record; it's a miracle, " he sa......

a tie vote
Under Senate rules an amendment is defeated on a tie vote. Here's the calendar in case of a tie vote: Eventually the bill failed in the Senate on a tie vote. In 1997, the bill failed on a ......

a vote of confidence
This is definitely a vote of confidence in Yeo Hiap Seng, Not exactly a vote of confidence for Switzer, is it? It wasn't exactly a vote of confidence for Smith. He doesn't need a vote of c......

ability to vote
Moreover, the ability to vote was linked to land ownership. Our knowledge of elections before this was basically the ability to vote, Nearly all African Americans had lost the ability to v......

absent vote
The absent votes will not be factored into this announcement after the fact ." Every one of the 55 Republican senators except one who was absent voted against White. Carlos Trujillo asked ......

absentee vote
Those totals included 251 absentee votes for Washington and 51 for Hill. Dardenne did support the reinstatement of absentee voting provisions from the election. Political parties say they ......

abstention vote
Subsequently, Sch鋟ble suggested changing Bundesrat's voting procedures to discount abstention votes from the total. TRT received fewer votes than the number of abstention votes in 28 of 36......

additional commitment vote
Additional commitment vote

affirmative vote
The affirmative vote of 60 Senators is required to waive the rule. That would take an affirmative vote of three of the four members. It takes 30 affirmative votes to pass legislation durin......

against vote
In November 1781 he protested against voting supplies until grievances were redressed. Kierkegaard was against voting about Christianity, for him, Christ was the only authority. He was app......

alternative vote
alternative vote, where voters number their first three choices among the candidates. (7 ) The 1952 and 1953 elections used the alternative voting system. The Alternative Vote ( AV ) syste......

alternative vote plus
However the ability to respect'natural'borders ( meaning municipal or community or infrastructure or natural areas ) has been cited often in criticisms of particular reforms, e . g . the A......

alternative vote system
After the Alternative Vote system or retaining the current one. (7 ) The 1952 and 1953 elections used the alternative voting system. The election was an all-member ballot using the alterna......

alternative vote systems
After the Alternative Vote system or retaining the current one. (7 ) The 1952 and 1953 elections used the alternative voting system. The election was an all-member ballot using the alterna......

amount of vote
The Entertainer has gained large amounts of votes in unison with Tomzenns. How can the news agency control such a large amount of votes? The two candidates with the highest amount of votes......

announce his vote
After the hearing, Frist said he was not ready to not announce his vote. Modell announced his vote yesterday, though, and in this case his is the only vote that counts. Modell announced hi......

annual vote
The annual voting process begins with a public nominations phase. The Rent Guidelines Board is scheduled to make its annual vote on May 7. The process has avoided annual votes on what can ......

approval vote
An alternative to a single-vote system is approval voting. Both of the past ArbComVote software was designed for approval voting. The collaborations are selected by approval voting every o......

approval vote system
An approval voting system would work by asking the group on which places they are ok with, allowing them multiple votes and simply tallying up which place has the most votes, appropriate f......

arbitrary vote
Munster, who has been attending orientation sessions in Washington in preparing to take the congressional seat, called the court's rejection of his request for a new election " outrageous ......

base vote
You cannot take the base vote in this state for granted, Start with their respective base votes, somewhat arbitrarily defined. The evangelical vote is now the base vote of the Republican P......