

    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. This tidbit was included in a piece for " Time " magazine, also written by Tancer, that followed the Pew report.
  2. For example, Tancer said that the gender distribution of visitors was almost evenly divided male-female, but 60 % of edits were by men.
  3. "The traditional retailers are starting to give the online retailers a run for their money, " said Bill Tancer, vice present for research at Hitwise.
  4. Consumers increasingly are doing product research and price comparisons using the Web-- something that can eventually drive traffic to traditional stores, said Hitwise's Tancer.
  5. "It's not a crime but more of a trespass, a violation, " said Robert Tancer, a professor at the American Graduate School of International Management.


  1. "tancanhuitz"の例文
  2. "tancanhuitz de santos"の例文
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  5. "tance"の例文
  6. "tancha"の例文
  7. "tanchang"の例文
  8. "tanchangya"の例文
  9. "tanchangya language"の例文
  10. "tanchangya people"の例文
  11. "tancarville bridge"の例文
  12. "tance"の例文
  13. "tancha"の例文
  14. "tanchang"の例文

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