

    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. Taskent on Tuesday insisted that there were no rebel missions in Turkey.
  2. Taskent said Turkey refused to host an international Chechen congress earlier this year.
  3. She participated at the 2014 World Championships in Taskent, Uzbekistan without success.
  4. Ambassador Kurtulus Taskent said at a news conference.
  5. The Turkish military denied the reports, and the denial was underlined by Turkish Ambassador Kurtulus Taskent, Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.


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  4. "taske"の例文
  5. "tasked"の例文
  6. "taskents"の例文
  7. "tasker"の例文
  8. "tasker bliss"の例文
  9. "tasker homes"の例文
  10. "tasker oddie"の例文
  11. "taske"の例文
  12. "tasked"の例文
  13. "taskents"の例文
  14. "tasker"の例文

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