

  1. A "'phememe "'( from Ancient Greek wikt : ????  I speak, say ) is a hypothesized speech sound with an abstract gestural meaning, proposed by the linguist Mary LeCron Foster . ( The term " phememe " appeared earlier in the works of Leonard Bloomfield, who defined it as a " smallest and meaningless unit of linguistic signaling "  either a phoneme or a taxeme .)


  1. "taxed with"の例文
  2. "taxee"の例文
  3. "taxel"の例文
  4. "taxell"の例文
  5. "taxels"の例文
  6. "taxemes"の例文
  7. "taxen"の例文
  8. "taxenbach"の例文
  9. "taxer"の例文
  10. "taxer and spender"の例文
  11. "taxell"の例文
  12. "taxels"の例文
  13. "taxemes"の例文
  14. "taxen"の例文

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