the absolute soundの例文


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  1. He is also a long-term contributor to the American hi-fi magazine, " The Absolute Sound ".
  2. Spurred on by magazines like Stereophile, The Absolute Sound and Fi, the auteurs of audio aimed to recreate the sound of live music.
  3. Andrew Quint of " The Absolute Sound " described the sound as " vivid, highly detailed, and dynamic " as well as avoiding " digital steeliness ".
  4. "The Absolute Sound " called the album " brilliant " and " near-perfect ", saying that it was better than the band's previous works.
  5. The diminutive BBC speaker has amassed an " enthusiastic, focused, and & # 8230; loyal following ", according to Paul Seydor in " The Absolute Sound ".


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  11. "the absolute game"の例文
  12. "the absolute monster gentlemen"の例文
  13. "the absorbing man"の例文
  14. "the abstinence"の例文

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