the abstractの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The mosaics range from the abstract and ethereal to the political.
  2. The abstract graffiti of Aaron Siskind was done first by Weston.
  3. The abstract faceless pile of numbers dehumanizes the children once again.
  4. In the abstract, at least, it seemed simple enough.
  5. I find the abstract concept inherent in beach glass very appealing.


  1. "the absolute monster gentlemen"の例文
  2. "the absolute sound"の例文
  3. "the absorbing man"の例文
  4. "the abstinence"の例文
  5. "the abstinence teacher"の例文
  6. "the absurd"の例文
  7. "the absurds"の例文
  8. "the absynthe"の例文
  9. "the abu dhabi indian school"の例文
  10. "the abusive hosts blocking list"の例文
  11. "the abstinence"の例文
  12. "the abstinence teacher"の例文
  13. "the absurd"の例文
  14. "the absurds"の例文

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