

  1. This is distinct from Miaphysitism, which holds that, after the union, Christ is in one theanthropic ( human-divine ) nature and is generated from the union of two natures.
  2. Since Orthodox spirituality differs distinctly from the " spiritualities " of other confessions so much the more does it differ from the " spirituality " of Eastern religions, which do not believe in the Theanthropic nature of Christ and the Holy Trinity.


  1. "theander"の例文
  2. "theandric"の例文
  3. "theanine"の例文
  4. "theano"の例文
  5. "theano didot"の例文
  6. "thear"の例文
  7. "thearc"の例文
  8. "thearch"の例文
  9. "thearchy"の例文
  10. "theard"の例文
  11. "theano"の例文
  12. "theano didot"の例文
  13. "thear"の例文
  14. "thearc"の例文

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