time modelの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Tang had been a part-time model before officially joining the entertainment industry.
  2. During this period he married June Hopkins, a stenographer and part-time model.
  3. She used to be a part-time model, shooting for adverts and magazines.
  4. Dolma Yangzom, a part-time model based in New Delhi, dropped out on Wednesday.
  5. His girlfriend, Shannon Ward, is a part-time model who could join him there.


  1. "time migration"の例文
  2. "time milking"の例文
  3. "time minimization problem"の例文
  4. "time mirror"の例文
  5. "time mode"の例文
  6. "time modulation"の例文
  7. "time modulator"の例文
  8. "time module"の例文
  9. "time moment"の例文
  10. "time money"の例文
  11. "time mirror"の例文
  12. "time mode"の例文
  13. "time modulation"の例文
  14. "time modulator"の例文

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