traffic management programの例文


  1. White said the FAA's traffic management program, which is computerized, does not differentiate between aircraft types, only the number of operations.
  2. Bruce Solomon, the company's air traffic management program manager, said its potential uses for remote control became more readily apparent after the attacks.
  3. And the FAA gives airlines the opporunity to decide which aircraft should use the departure times it is given in the traffic management program.
  4. The regions strive to reduce the number of traffic crashes, property damage and fatalities through safe design, construction and maintenance of highway facilities as well as an active traffic management program.
  5. By instituting what they call a " Traffic Management Program " and airline passengers call a major pain _ because of the delays they cause around the country as Boston-bound planes sit on tarmacs _ the FAA kept planes coming to Boston at a number that would not overload the system.


  1. "traffic management act"の例文
  2. "traffic management act 2004"の例文
  3. "traffic management device"の例文
  4. "traffic management devices"の例文
  5. "traffic management information base tmib"の例文
  6. "traffic management scheme"の例文
  7. "traffic management system"の例文
  8. "traffic manager"の例文
  9. "traffic map"の例文
  10. "traffic mark"の例文
  11. "traffic management devices"の例文
  12. "traffic management information base tmib"の例文
  13. "traffic management scheme"の例文
  14. "traffic management system"の例文

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