traffic management schemeの例文


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  1. The traffic management scheme that will be implemented during the remaining construction work varies for the three areas.
  2. The Washington State Department of Transportation ( WSDOT ) has completed Active Traffic Management schemes on several motorways in the Seattle metropolitan area.
  3. Driving within the'egg', the historical centre enclosed by the main circle of canals in Bruges, is discouraged by traffic management schemes, including a network of one-way streets.
  4. Various traffic management schemes have been proposed by Transport for London, including a ban on private vehicles during daytime hours on weekdays and Saturdays, and improved pedestrian crossings.
  5. Delays can be caused by some combination of traffic density, road capacity, and the delaying effects of other road users and traffic management schemes such as traffic lights, junctions, and street works.


  1. "traffic management act 2004"の例文
  2. "traffic management device"の例文
  3. "traffic management devices"の例文
  4. "traffic management information base tmib"の例文
  5. "traffic management program"の例文
  6. "traffic management system"の例文
  7. "traffic manager"の例文
  8. "traffic map"の例文
  9. "traffic mark"の例文
  10. "traffic marker"の例文
  11. "traffic management information base tmib"の例文
  12. "traffic management program"の例文
  13. "traffic management system"の例文
  14. "traffic manager"の例文

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