traffic managerの例文


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  1. Barbaro Gonzalez, the traffic manager for the Port of Havana, radioed back.
  2. Brocade renamed SteelApp to Brocade Virtual Traffic Manager ( aka VTM ).
  3. E . S . Spencer, the road's traffic manager, was named General Manager.
  4. He was educated at Charterhouse, and later became Traffic Manager of the Bengal-Nagpur Railway.
  5. Traffic Manager managed application traffic, inspecting, transforming and routing requests across the application infrastructure.


  1. "traffic management devices"の例文
  2. "traffic management information base tmib"の例文
  3. "traffic management program"の例文
  4. "traffic management scheme"の例文
  5. "traffic management system"の例文
  6. "traffic map"の例文
  7. "traffic mark"の例文
  8. "traffic marker"の例文
  9. "traffic marking"の例文
  10. "traffic matrix"の例文
  11. "traffic management scheme"の例文
  12. "traffic management system"の例文
  13. "traffic map"の例文
  14. "traffic mark"の例文

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