traffic matrixの例文


  1. Traffic engineering and traffic matrix in ip backbone network based on mpls
  2. It uses the new traffic matrix , current virtual topology situation and physical topology situation as input , compute a new virtual topology as output under the constraint which is the number of the different lightpahts between the old and new virtual topologies is not larger than the parameter nrange . in this chapter , i have implemented the algorithm by myself and a thoughfull study of two key procedures has been studied and the result of the algorithm simulation has been analyzed . we can get a new virtual topology by the virtual topology reconfiguration
  3. The beginning point of the first research direction is that we design a type of load - balancing virtual topology which is insensitive to the traffic , such plan method has been proposed whose name is vlbs ( valiant load - balancing schemem ) , the disadvantage of vlbs is that it can only be applied to the homogeneous network in which each node has the same capacity , in chapter2 , a more general valiant load - balancing scheme ( gvlbs ) has been proposed , the advantage of the gvlbs is that it can be used both on the homogeneous network and heterogeous network , in this chapter , we will give the detail derivation process and numerical analysis . the beginning point of the second research direction is that we first design a virtual topology for the physical topology under a specific traffic matrix , for a while , the traffic has changed , the network performence will decline . under such condition , in chpater 3 , a virtual topology reconfiguration algorithm is studied which can decrease the average weighted hops


  1. "traffic manager"の例文
  2. "traffic map"の例文
  3. "traffic mark"の例文
  4. "traffic marker"の例文
  5. "traffic marking"の例文
  6. "traffic measurement"の例文
  7. "traffic measurement analysis"の例文
  8. "traffic measurements"の例文
  9. "traffic measuring"の例文
  10. "traffic medicine"の例文
  11. "traffic marker"の例文
  12. "traffic marking"の例文
  13. "traffic measurement"の例文
  14. "traffic measurement analysis"の例文

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