transfer characteristicの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
  1. Like the m-type it has the same bandform but offers further improved transfer characteristics.
  2. Therefore, the transfer characteristic takes a range of values.
  3. Also they do affect the flow and heat transfer characteristics, thereby behaving differently from straight smooth surfaces.
  4. The heat transfer characteristics are also different.
  5. This limitation is lifted by connecting two shunt dividers in series, which keeps the transfer characteristic smooth.


  1. "transfer certificate"の例文
  2. "transfer certificate of title"の例文
  3. "transfer chain"の例文
  4. "transfer chamber"の例文
  5. "transfer channel"の例文
  6. "transfer characteristics"の例文
  7. "transfer charge"の例文
  8. "transfer charges"の例文
  9. "transfer check"の例文
  10. "transfer circuit"の例文
  11. "transfer chamber"の例文
  12. "transfer channel"の例文
  13. "transfer characteristics"の例文
  14. "transfer charge"の例文

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